Five Signs You May be a Candidate for Facelift Surgery

Brunette, eyes closed, hands on cheeks, smiling. Grey background.Facelift surgery addresses sagging, sunken, and unattractive skin throughout the neck and face to restore a firm, youthful, and attractive appearance. With this procedure, our board-certified plastic surgeons can address skin laxity, excess fat deposits, and other issues that often accompany aging to help you look and feel your absolute best for years to come. Continue reading Five Signs You May be a Candidate for Facelift Surgery

How is Eyelid Surgery Performed?

Woman who had eyelid surgeryEyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is an outpatient procedure performed under local or twilight anesthesia. It involves removing and repositioning excess skin and fat from the areas around your eyes to give your face a more youthful appearance.

The eyes are the window to the soul. The eyelids are the window to how tired or energized you look. Excess skin, fat, and bags around the eyelids can make you look lethargic, angry, and aged. They can also obstruct your peripheral vision.

At the Center for Plastic Surgery at Castle Rock, our double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. David J. Archibald has decades of experience and the highly specialized training necessary to deliver the results you want. This blog breaks down the eyelid surgery procedure he’ll use to help restore a vigorous, youthful appearance to your face. Continue reading How is Eyelid Surgery Performed?

Lose Your Double Chin with Kybella!

Castle Rock, Kybella - Image

An age-old trouble spot, the double chin has and continues to plague many of our patients. Understanding the frustration that a fuller chin and neck can present, we are thrilled to announce that we now perform Kybella at the Center for Plastic Surgery at Castle Rock.

A revolutionary fat dissolving injectable, Kybella targets submental (below the chin) fullness. With Kybella, a toned and tightened chin and jawline can be yours.

Continue reading Lose Your Double Chin with Kybella!