4 BOTOX® Cosmetic Myths, Debunked

Woman receiving BotoxBOTOX® Cosmetic is the most popular cosmetic treatment in the United States, with more than 7.4 million people using it in 2018 to reduce the appearance of their wrinkles and facial lines. However, numerous misconceptions exist about BOTOX® Cosmetic and how it works despite its popularity.

At the Center for Plastic Surgery at Castle Rock, our double-board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. David J. Archibald is committed to helping his patients reclaim the smooth, vibrant skin they had in their youth. He also wants them to be informed about the procedures they’re considering. Here are four myths about BOTOX® Cosmetic – and the reality. Continue reading 4 BOTOX® Cosmetic Myths, Debunked

Lose Your Double Chin with Kybella!

Castle Rock, Kybella - Image

An age-old trouble spot, the double chin has and continues to plague many of our patients. Understanding the frustration that a fuller chin and neck can present, we are thrilled to announce that we now perform Kybella at the Center for Plastic Surgery at Castle Rock.

A revolutionary fat dissolving injectable, Kybella targets submental (below the chin) fullness. With Kybella, a toned and tightened chin and jawline can be yours.

Continue reading Lose Your Double Chin with Kybella!